nano sponge

Can nano sponge clean small white shoes


Small white shoes because of its fashionable and versatile, wear a good-looking generous and loved by people, but small white shoes are also particularly easy to get dirty, yellow, and dirty is not very good cleaning, want to small white shoes and clean and white, you need to use the appropriate method, with the right method will get twice the result with half the effort, such as the use of Envoy nano sponge to clean. The next step is to give you specific information on how the decontamination nano sponge is a quick way to wash off stubborn stains on plastic slippers.

The method is actually very simple, only one piece of Envoy Nano sponge, the small white shoes into cold water to dissolve stains, note that you can not add hot water, the nano sponge wet pressure dry sponge in the water, gently wipe the small white shoes back and forth, the nano sponge relies on its internal capillary open pore structure automatically adsorbs stains on the surface of objects to achieve physical decontamination effect.

After scrubbing canvas shoes It is best to wrap the shoes with a dust bag or paper towel and put them in a cool and ventilated place to avoid exposing them to the sun to make the small white shoes yellow.

There are many ways to clean small white shoes, but if not used properly will cause harm to small white shoes, and will be more trouble will also break the bank. The nano sponge is only a few cents, but the nano sponge is a consumable product, suitable for rubber material smooth bevel, rough shoe surface need to cooperate with some cleaning solution to achieve the effect.

Cleaning shoes with En-world Nano Sponge is a very economical and easy way to clean your kitchen, bathroom, shoes, etc. at home for just a few dollars a box. We are a professional manufacturer of nano sponges with decades of experience, if you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us!

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